If the original Project Director intends to relinquish primary direction of a project, written notice must be sent immediately to the sponsor, the departmental executive officer, the collegiate dean, and the Division of Sponsored Programs. If appropriate, the University may seek the sponsor’s permission to continue the project under the leadership of an equally qualified Project Director, generally within the same department. In such cases, a new Project Director should be recommended at the departmental level and approved by the appropriate collegiate officers and the Vice President for Research.

Steps for obtaining approval:

  1. The original Project Director should, in cooperation with the departmental office, compose a letter to the sponsor, explaining the need for the change in Project Director and outlining the background and qualifications of the proposed new Project Director.
  2. The letter should be signed by the original Project Director, the proposed new Project Director; the departmental executive officer of the original host department, and, if different, the departmental executive officer of the new host department.
  3. The signed letter should be routed through the usual UI channels, accompanied by a completed UI Routing Form under the proposed new Project Director. The DEO and Dean signatures on the UI Routing Form will indicate departmental and collegiate concurrence with the proposed new director, and their commitment to provide the new director with the same support and resources provided the original director.
  4. Once the Division of Sponsored Programs receives the routed letter and the sponsor’s approval in response, the DSP can process the change in project director.