Thursday, September 12, 2019

The ORCID ID is a unique, persistent digital identifier that distinguishes an individual investigator and can be used to connect researchers with their contributions to science over time and across changes of name, location, and institutional affiliation. These free identifiers are assigned and maintained by the non-profit organization ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier).

More than 7,000 journals now use ORCID IDs and, with the permission of users, can automatically populate ORCID user accounts with their citations when they publish. Federal grant applicants can also link their ORCID accounts with SciENcv (Science Expert Network Curriculum Vitae) in order to simplify the creation of biosketches for grant applications.   

In October 2019, the requirement for ORCID identifiers will be incorporated into the appointment process for trainees, scholars, and participants supported by institutional research training, career development, and research education awards that require appointments through the xTrain system.

To get an ORCID iD and to find answers to many common questions about ORCID iD, see the Hardin Library Guide.

Please contact your UI Librarian if you have additional questions about ORCID or for assistance in setting up an ORCID ID.