The Office of the Vice President for Research and its Division of Sponsored Programs offer a variety of training -- i.e., presentations, workshops, and Web-based resources -- to guide UI faculty, staff, and students in their efforts to identify, secure, and manage external funds. Such training is available through the channels described below.

Newer research administrators are welcome to contact DSP in order to arrange a one-on-one or small group session for training in matters related to sponsored projects at the University.

Resources on this page include:

Upcoming Presentations


Continuously Available Trainings and Presentations

NCURA Life Cycle of the Award

This series of webinars is available only to campus. To view one or more webinars in the series, click on this link and use your HawkID to log in to the DSP Sharepoint folder. (If you do not use Sharepoint regularly, you may see a Microsoft login screen. Simply put in your HawkID [ex:] and then your password.) 

Components of the series:

  • Pre-Award/Budgeting (three parts; 90 minutes each)
  • Proposal Development (three parts; 90 minutes each)
  • Award Negotiation and Acceptance (three parts; 90 minutes each)
  • Award Monitoring/Management (two parts; two hours each)
  • Compliance (two parts; two hours each)

Additional Resources

  • NIH Podcasts - NIH staff members discuss a range of topics designed for investigators, fellows, students, research administrators, and others.
  • NCURA YouTube Tuesday - Short videos on various topics from the National Council of University Research Administrators.

Past Presentations

Research Administrator Meeting Videos

Pre-Award Research Administrator Presentations in February and March 2023

The Division of Sponsored Programs is giving three live Zoom presentations that will be of particular interest to pre-award research administrators at the University of Iowa. All three will be recorded and posted later to a site accessible via HawkID. Once posted, we will let you know how to find them.

Zoom links to join the live presentations listed below can be accessed here. After logging in with your HawkID and password, click on the PDF titled Zoom Links for DSP Pre-Award Presentations.

Presentation I. Demo and Explanation of the PI Departure, Request for Grant Transfer, or Request for Approval of Adjunct, Visiting, Emeritus or Retired Faculty as PI form

Presented by Lynn Hudachek, DSP Associate Director, and Nate Cook, DSP Accounting and Financial Manager
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023
11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Presentation II. Export Control Compliance

Presented by Pat Cone-Fisher and Loren LeClair, DSP Export Control Coordinators
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Presentation III. Research Security and Research Integrity

Presented by Mike Andrews, UI Research Integrity Officer
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.