1.  How are Pre-Award Research Administrator roles assigned?

Pre-Award Research Administrator Roles are assigned using the Institutional Roles application. This application can be found in Employee Self-Service. The link to Institutional Roles is under General Systems & Tools and then under Roles & Security. A direct link to the Institutional Roles application is: https://hris.uiowa.edu/security/imfosec/.  Click on the Category Name “Research Administrators” to access the Pre-Award Research Administrator role.

  • Org Pre-Award Research Administrators are assigned by the University Pre-Award Research Administrator (DSP).
  • Departmental Pre-Award Research Administrators are assigned by the Org Pre-Award Research Administrator.
  • Subdepartment Pre-Award Research Administrators can be assigned by the Org or Departmental Pre-Award Research Administrator based on the Org Administrator’s preference.


  1.  What is the difference between University Pre-Award Research Administrator and University Research Administrator in the Intuitional Roles Application?

In the Institutional Roles application, under Research Administrators, you will see these two roles:

University Pre-Award Research Administrator; and

University Research Administrator.

The Pre-Award Research Administrator is the new role that DSP is provisioning. The University Research Administrator role is currently used by the Grant Accounting Office for post-award matters.


  1.  What if a department does not have a designated Departmental Pre-Award Research Administrator?

If a Departmental Pre-Award Research Administrator is not assigned the role will default to the Org Pre-Award Research Administrator.


  1.  Does the Pre-Award Research Administrator Role apply at the sub-department level?
  • Yes, access to records on DSP Research Tracker can be controlled at the sub-dept level. To do this, you will need to add an individual at the sub-department level in the institutional roles application and include the sub-department number on the proposal routing form.
  • This does not mean that there is an approval stop for the proposal routing form at the sub-department level.


  1.  What if I forgot to include the sub-department on the proposal routing form?
  • Another contact person on the routing form can contact DSP at dsp@uiowa.edu to ask that the sub-department number be added to the record.
  • Or, when the record is awarded, the department can ask Grant Accounting to add the sub-department number to the MFK.


  1.  What is the difference between delegates on workflow vs. administrative delegates in the Institutional Roles application?
  • Administrative delegates in the Institutional Roles application are not sent to or utilized by workflow. The administrative delegates in the Institutional Roles application can perform any functions of that role, including assigning others to roles below them in the roles hierarchy.
  • Delegations in workflow are separate from the Institution Role delegates and are maintained in universal workflow here.


  1.  What rights and permissions does a Pre-Award Research Administrator delegate have?
  • Within UIRIS the Pre-Award Research Administrator delegate has the same rights access and permissions as the Pre-Award Research Administrator role, meaning they will get access to the same records on the DSP Research Tracker and Award Activation Authorization (AAAN) notices.


  1.  What will change with those receiving Award Authorization Activation Notices (AAAN)?
  • Individuals will still receive AAAN emails if they are listed as a contact on the routing form even if they not in a Pre-Award Research Administrator role. However, if a person is listed on the routing form as a UI contact and they are also in a Pre-Award Research Administrator role, they will not receive two emails.
  • If you prefer not to receive AAAN emails for an org/department, you can set up a rule in your email; there is no opt-in/opt-out functionality at this time. You can make a rule to move AAAN emails to a separate folder or junk by using the standard email subject line that always starts with: “[UIRIS] Award information for Project:” and is sent from uiris@uiowa.edu.
  • If there are individuals who need access to records on the DSP Research Tracker for a particular PI or group of investigators, we encourage the use of the sub-department level of institutional role to limit AAAN emails.

 9.  How do I know who is in the PARA role for my org, dept, or sub-dept?


Reviewed May 2024