Data Use Agreements (DUAs) are contractual documents used for the transfer of non-public data that is subject to some restriction on its use. Broadly speaking, DUAs can be either Incoming (UI receives data from an outside entity) or Outgoing (data housed at UI are shared with an outside entity). The UI Research Data Policy is available as well.

Incoming DUAs

If you request to receive data from an outside institution or organization, it is the responsibility of that organization to determine whether a DUA should be executed prior sharing.  Some governmental organizations (Federal and State) have an application process that must be completed prior to the start of negotiations.  Please contact the appropriate UI office when starting this type of application process so that we can assist you with identifying and managing compliance issues. 

Click for a flowchart of the compliance review process when receiving human subjects data for research.

Outgoing DUAs

When sharing data housed at the UI with an outside organization, the University must consider multiple security and compliance criteria.  This guidance and its accompanying flowchart (to be added soon) can assist you in determining your ability to share data and whether you need a DUA.  Outgoing DUAs are negotiated and signed by the office responsible for the particular dataset to be shared.   While the UI maintains and uses several standard DUA templates, outgoing DUAs may need to be highly customized and therefore require additional time to negotiate.  Please allow for this by contacting the appropriate office for assistance well in advance of any related deadlines. 

Click for a flowchart of the compliance review process when sharing human subjects data for research.

For most research-related data sharing, the University uses the Data Transfer and Use Agreement templates developed by the Federal Demonstration Project.  The templates and other helpful resources are available at this website.  Please contact if you have questions.

For more information regarding:

  • Data use agreements related to research, please contact the Division of Sponsored Programs, or 335-2123.
  • Data use agreements related to UI Health Care data, please contact the UI Health Care Legal, 356-4760.
  • Other data use agreements, please contact the Office of the General Counsel, or 335-3696.

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